Sunday, November 9, 2008

death saying

sayings i found online and some i wrote

Death begins at lives first breath,
And live begins at the touch of death.(online)

Don’t be shocked that people die,
Be shocked your still alive(from the song cassie by flyleaf)

Weird is normal
And normal is weird(on a bumber sticker)

my heart is broken into two… so just cut it out before I do(i wrote this one)

most scars don’t show,
Not all wounds heal
Most of the time you cant see the pain someone feels(online)

nothing can make me forget the pain I feel inside
cuts in my skin are deep
but cuts in my hearts are deeper(online)


Capri Amier Amour said...

i like your poetry/sayings. I know a couple myself, but I have to find them in one of my many notebooks. Let me know if you're intrested.