Thursday, January 29, 2009

new poem

hey guys/gurls
yet another poem
and yet again its unnamed
tell me what you think

Glancing all around
Seeing no one
Hearing a whisper
No one there
Smell of lilies
Flower of death
The end cant be near
To close to call
See a flash
Life goes by you fast
Not getting a chance to catch it
Never ever thinking of it
Until its to late
The flash is bright
Lilies wait for you
The whisper gets louder
Feeling of a presence is stronger
The end is closer
You taste your last breth
Breath in lilies
The flash is consuming
The world is going blank
You life is in your hands
Almost gone
So close
If only it could be caught
If only it could be saved
But now…
Its gone
The flash is nomore
The presence is there
Lilies float above you
The whisper is saying good bye

Friday, January 16, 2009

yet another

this is a nother poem, unnamed yet again
tell me what you think
and what i should call it

a shadow in the dark
a hidden figure in plain sight
a quite person sits there
never saying a thing
no one ever sees them
unseen they is
very bright they may be
but that no one knows
for no one knows them
for they are never seen
for they are never heard
an out cast; a loner
friends they have none
if they died would you cry a river?
or even shed a single tear?

poem that has no name

hey guys sry i havent been putting my poems on my blog they been sitting in my folder for a while now.

heres on thats unnamed like most

tell me what you think and what i should call it

A hidden face
Kept behind a mask
Never to be seen
They’ll stay there forever and always
Keeping quite; no words spoken
Looking upon the world
Helping the people who need it
Never getting a single credit
Forever staying hidden
Closed up behind the mask
Never being noticed
Closed off forever
Shut in their own world
Never getting out
Never letting anyone in
Interesting to look at
Because they never can be seen
Only the mask is there
Changing every day
Wanting to take it off
Wanting to be let free
But then everyone would know who they really are

Thursday, January 8, 2009

saying yet again

here are some saying i found online

be carful when you close your eyes. rember that time flies,

how many times to i have to cry before you listen

you dont need to where this pain all alone,
im always here for you