Sunday, July 26, 2009

hope that fades

Memories are slowly forgotten
Pictures begin to fade
The light becomes dim
A wish is lost
Hope slowly slips away
Becoming a light in the distance
Till it is no more
But only a memory
Until we question,
Was it even real?
And then start to give it up
Thinking it only as a story
A tall tale
A myth
Then its just gone
The memory is lost
Theres no picture to fade
The lights gone out
There is no wish
Hope is gone
Forgotten completely
Lost forever
no more.

its a little on the sad side. but i still like it.
let me know what you think

Thursday, July 2, 2009

new one

I looked around
Didn’t like what I saw
Wanted to get away
But I knew
That I had to stay
Was this worth it?
I told myself it was
I didn’t believe it
But for the moment
I had to stay
I guess I’ll have to bare
And act like I care
Pretend like I don’t suffer
Act like this has a point
I think I’ll save my wish
For a different kiss
I hope this isn’t to long
I hope it’s done soon
Maybe they’ll forget
Then I wouldn’t have to stay
Maybe I should use that wish
If only I didn’t have to
If only this were different
But does it really matter
I’ll put on a smile
Act like I want this
Then slip away slowly
And pray,
That that’s the end
Knowing it’s not

whatch ya think?
i know itas a little strange
be honest!