Thursday, January 29, 2009

new poem

hey guys/gurls
yet another poem
and yet again its unnamed
tell me what you think

Glancing all around
Seeing no one
Hearing a whisper
No one there
Smell of lilies
Flower of death
The end cant be near
To close to call
See a flash
Life goes by you fast
Not getting a chance to catch it
Never ever thinking of it
Until its to late
The flash is bright
Lilies wait for you
The whisper gets louder
Feeling of a presence is stronger
The end is closer
You taste your last breth
Breath in lilies
The flash is consuming
The world is going blank
You life is in your hands
Almost gone
So close
If only it could be caught
If only it could be saved
But now…
Its gone
The flash is nomore
The presence is there
Lilies float above you
The whisper is saying good bye


Anonymous said...

I like this - a little morbid though :)

Cynthia said...

emily dickinson gone goth, cool.

Opaque said...

I like the darkness!!! But, pardon me, I reckon there are a few typos - in a few places, you need to use the word "too" instead of "to". And, line 20 has a misspelling - "breth".

If this was an intended action, then I am sorry. But, the expression and theme are good.

Blue Rose said...

sorry im a really bad speller, if you look any where on my blogs.