Thursday, April 2, 2009

hmmmm what do i call this

well hears another one, hope you liked it

she smiles bright
she smiles wide
her whole world is comming down
she feels like she might drown
she hides her sadness
her mind is running in madness
everyone is blind
to her hidden mind
how long will this last
how can she forget the past?
hher world is crashing in around her
shes loosiing her grip
shes going to slip


WriteUp Cafe said...

sad but nice...

Opaque said...

True!!! This is sad!!! Keep writing!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Rose, thank you for visiting my blog today. I'm glad you found me and I hope you enjoyed my blog too.
I've been reading your poetry. I have to be honest, it scares me for you. Although, believe it or not, lol, I remember what it was like to be your age, and it sucked big time! I remember having a lot of the feelings you describe in your poetry. I was not popular at all, I wasn't very pretty, I couldn't do anything right enough to please my mother. I had a very low self esteem , no self confidence at all.
I stayed very sad allllllll the time. I had no one to talk with, I felt very alone.
Even in my early adult hood I was a very sad , depressed person. I finally decided to get some help and went to a doc. It took a long time, but I finally got better, and life has been better too.
This probably isn't your situation, but I just wanted you to know, that I can very much relate to your poetry, and I hope you continue to write. I think your artistic talents will save you somehow. Like just keeping you sane thru all the madness in the world! To be able to channel your frustrations, sadness , disappointments, fear, etc. , into poetry, or art is a gift. Not everyone is capable of doing it. I'm so happy for you that you have this gift, just keep developing and growing and you will see my new friend, :)
Please come to my blog and write me if you would like to.
Take care ,
Julian :)

Cynthia said...

Her pain defines her, and you
captured the feeling perfectly.

Ian said...

Are the double letters in 'comming' and loosiing' a deliberate poetic device?

Blue Rose said...
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Blue Rose said...

to Ian,
umm.....most likely a typo....or bad spelling

Ian said...

Thanks. I just wondered whether you were trying to make a connection with the double letters in 'running' and 'hidden'.